All these pictures were taken on 7 Oct when i meet mLsars for my belated bday celebration at chicago steakhouse!
the food were yummilicious! and at the same time budget oso!
ah wei that xiao fu po was busy working~ poor thing. but its ok! u didnt miss out too much of fun except for the good food.
we stayed at the restaurant to chat even after we finished our dinner and the staffs cleared our table. And the staffs keep coming over to ask us if we want any desserts as if to inform us that we've been taking up their space for too long!
and upon request, they bought a cute epilator for me! but because of my laziness, wenna help me keep the present first. and when we departed, i forgot to take the present back from her. which means, i do not have the epilator with me now. -_-"
its xin's bday.
went to her hse to celebrate her bday. and she whipped a delicious meal for us! thankew so much!
and for goodness sake, i love the adidas watch we gave her as bday present. so chio!
chit chatted and see her outfit for her colleague's wedding.
hmm...den went home.
no mood to blog liao. tired sia. haven bath. gtg le. nitez.
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