school started.

i was indeed looking forward to returning back to school.

Studying at SIM was not much of a difference as compared to SP,
except that there were more international students,
nicer lecture halls,
more students in a lecture,
and no tutorial.
the rest, it was almost the same.
perhaps, wad makes SIM different was,
serving us snacks like cakes, tarts and bread to us during our 20 min break with tea or coffee.
i think its a good idea, cos they can stop my stomach from growling aggressively.

my time table was rather relax, with only 3 hours of lecture everyday.
saw quite a number of familiar faces from SP.
i could concentrate well throughout the 3 hr lecture,
taking down relevant notes, without feeling sleepy.
(maybe its because its only the 1st week of school)
however, im beggining to feel tired with the long traveling time and distance.
my mum is able to open her eyes now *relieved*
but now, the problem is...
we dunno if she recognises us, or understands wad we're talking.
but most impt is, she came round.
shall just hope for the best.
for frens who texted or msg or sms me, thanks for your concern! muacks.
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