ive been busy for the past week.
almost project-ing everyday.
but today, my group members decide that its time for us to take a little break!
so we went back to SP to play badminton.
its been so long since i've exercise, and sweating it out really feels great (even though i can foresee me feeling achy tml morning)
anyways, i have some overdue pictures.
3rd day of CNY

went to my grandma house at changi rise to have the annual gathering with the distant relatives.
im tired to repeating the same answers to the questions post by different relatives.
yes, im 21 years old this year, grow up already.
yes, im studying at SIM
yes, im still the shortest among my sis
yadayada, its quite tired to pretend u're smiling sincerely.
as usual, we gambled all the way close to midnight before they start leaving.
i didnt gamble lar. just stayed in one of the room to watch tv and sleep. boring.
me and baby cousin. she is so cute lar!

met up with the royal clique on 4th day of CNY for lunch at waraku clarke quay.
i think the food was somewhat a dissapoinment to me. cos i prefer the pasta one compared to the japanese cusine one.
pictures are still with WU JIA YI.
i started work at the ice cream gallery on the fifth day of CNY. i opened the shop and had to clean the refrigerator. such tedious work and i must work alone. even though it was a monday, business was still as good. i was like busy throughout the afternoon.
and the clumsy me, fell frm the chair while climbing up to take some tubs to replenish.
pain can! i was rewarded with a big patch of blue black on my left leg.

as for valentines day, i do have a date.
i have a date with the delicious and colourful icecream at eastwood centre.
yes, im working, so i dont need to see lovey dovey couples walking down the streets whispering sweet nothings to each other.
business was so good on valentines that i feel so shag.
and when i was washing up, one of the glass bowls slipped off my hands and dropped on the floor.
i cut myself while brushing off the shattered glasses on my toe.
how dumb and stupid and careless can i be?
i injured myself 2 times in a row.
and then i remembered i haven bai tai sui.
so being pantang,
i pestered my dad to bring me to bai tai sui on the following sunday,
and so far, everything have been smooth for me.
some times its better to believe lar hor?
then.....*drum rolls* its wenna 21st birthday on 16 feb!
mL celebrated her bday on 15th feb.
below are only some of the pictures.
for the full set of pictures,
ah wei have uploaded it onto her blog.
we went bakerzin at millenia walk for dinner.
and i ordered their steak and mushroom sandwich.

and i forgot which girl decided to take my top layer of the sandwich and play with it. and still say it looks like a slim hanphone.
and so, this is my new flip phone.

look at the aftermath of my poor steak and mushroom sandwich.

the birthday girl with the cake which came complimentary by bakerzin.

as we decided to stay overnight at sasa hse that night,
we planned to cook teochew porridge with some simple dishes!
so we went carrefour to shop for food.

our trolley full of bags instead of food.

us, choosing cabbage

we proceed to esplanade after that.
that place was flooded with people who were watching chingay.

us, with me on the phone with bf. look like some uncivilised china woman.

and then.... we decided to carry out the 21st birthday mission.
1st, bday girl have to wear the shirt that we provide!
(PS. i designed and draw the shirt and im super proud of my work can! im a retard when it comes to art!)

the mission

we were all so nervous and excited for wenna when helping her to target guys!
look at her expression!

not sure whether to approach the coming grp of guys or not.
and finally, after 21 guys wished her happy birthday, mission accomplished!

waited for 12am to strike to wish her official 21st birthday!
and present the 21st birthday cake!

can u see the cake being aligned into 21 in chinese characters?
wenna, and the scrap book that we (true loves) did

decided to book a maxi cab home.
the fare is quite worth it since theres so many people sharing.
while waiting for the cab....
presenting you, the dolls.

TRUE LOVEs aka mL wishes wenna a happy 21st birthday!

our breakfast the next morning, prepared by our future teacher, MS ONG

wenna, hope u enjoyed that day. kuai le zhui zhong yao! we love you!!!!
so random photos before i end.
me with mr police bear

despite having to become more matured after all the stuffs i experience, but deep down inside, i know im still childish. i wish i have more sense of responsibility. im so sick on myself for being so childish sometimes. i feel like im nothing. nothing. nothing at all.