Why guys don't write advice columns.
Dear Abie,
The other day I set off for work. I hadn't gone more than two kilometres when my engine conked out and the car shuddered to a halt. I walked back home, only to find my husband making love to our neighbour. He was let go from his job six months ago, and he says he has been feeling increasly depressed and worthless. I love him very much, but I don't know if i can trust him anymore. What should I do?
Abie's reply:
Dear Frustrated,
A car stalling can be caused by a variety of faults with the engine. Check that there is no debris in the fuel line. If it's clear, check the jubilee clips holding the vacuum pipes onto the inlet manifold. Or it could be that the fuel pump itself is faulty, causing low delivery pressure to the carburettor float chamber.
I hope this helps.
LOL. So funny lar. only answer the technical part of the problems.
went kbox with cynthia today! i think the last time i went k box was also with her, abt half a year ago. followed by movie with wanwan, yg, joanne and cynthia.
What Happens in Vegas!
go watch go watch!
its nice and super worth it to watch at cathay ($6) on a weekday!
highly recommended. i was practically laughing throughout the movie. Its not that kind of superhero-or-meet-the-spartans kind of lame! It's really funny, the plot and everything.
and i so wanna watch this movie too!
i watched the episodes of sex and the city on tudou and sometimes i find it so inspiring. i like Carrie. haha
im so sleep deprived.
i didnt slp the whole sat (tonning at ECP) and when i got home on Sunday, i didnt slp also. I went out straight with boyfriend to continue last min shopping for mother's day gift at TM, followed by mother's day dinner.
finally got to slp at 12am last night, but i woke up at 6.30am to go ECP (again!) with mummy for morning jog.
yawns. i guess i'll have to tell mummy im not going to ECP tomorrow, so i can slp till late.
anyways, i've got the pictures already!
lets start with bf POP on 7 may
my bf, my policeman, my love <3 href="http://s10.photobucket.com/albums/a101/y2k_cinderalla/?action=view¤t=DSC00025.jpg" target="_blank">
after pop, on his way to meet his clique for dinner
here comes the photo for ling's birthday celebration at ECP on 10may!
the bday girl. LAI LI LING
we are the early birds!
cant live without this woman that day! handled every aspects of the technical stuffs for the camp. thnks babe! without you, i guess we'll be so messed up
self entertianing while waiting for the rest to come
our neighbour
in our 8 men tent! spacious!
our food of the night!
wo men kai dong le!!!!
wenna's creation -- mL in sushi version. (i also dont know which one is me. haha)
escorting ling to her 1st surprise
light sticks in 7 colours which represents us!
surprise #1
with our neighbour's dog (her name is DONUT). so cute! so warm! i miss jacky!
started playing some lame games to occupy time, and these are some forfeits.
i think me very suay, cos i keep drawing the smallest or the largest card during indian poker!
so one of my forfeit is to flag at a coming pedestrian or cyclist as if im flagging a cab. -.-
another forfeit
look at that retarded jin. (this warn us not to eat too much vegetable, if not become like her! haha! im kidding!)
actually wanna make her collect and wear 21 watches on her hand and then randomly ask a stranger what time is it. haha. but after discount and negotiation, we settled with 3 watches.
walau. so lazy to upload any more photos. i think ah wei or wenna will also blog abt it. u all go and read yourself.
chunhui, send me TC photos if u have hor... hee.
yawns. im so god damn tired now. off to bed. nights~
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