Sunday, June 29, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
i have a love-hate relationship with her.
i hate her for her sucky attitude. we've entered into so many cold wars that i've lost count. yes, she is a MAID and we actually FIGHT and enter into cold war. where got maid like this one? not that i treat her like maid or slave, but she is being paid. i mean, u dont show your sucky and arrogant attitude and enter into fights with ur employee at work right? you get my point?
but to be truthful. i think my household cant do it without her. She knows everything in the house. Knows our preferences, knows the belonging of each and everyone of the household.
"auntie, got see my white tube?"
" its in the top shelve of the cupboard"
"auntie got see my red bag"
5 min later, pass me my red bag
now that the new maid is here, she doesnt know anything. i found so many of my sister's clothes in my cupboard. She cleaned my shelves and change position of my stuff, and i cant locate the necessary stuff when i need.
i know i sound like some spoilt kid. but this you really cant blame me. you cant blame me for something its not my fault to begin with. Its not my fault for having a maid in the house, right?
13 yrs of relationship. thats like 2/3 of my life already. suddenly when she says she wants to go home, i cant help but feel sad. and maybe a bit of insecure.
im also leaving this house which i spent half of my life in. Although i hate waiting for bus 14 and bus 10 and always grumble how inconvenient my residence is to my dad, this house still contained my precious memories since the age of 10. My 12th birthday party. my 13th birthday party. My dog. The swimming pool. The playground. The quietness. The tree infront of my house. The cold storage. The ice cream gallery. The dvd rental shop. Bus 10. Bus 14. Everything. =(
so many changes. and all these change are not minor. suddenly i felt so loss. really. i dont like changi rise. i dont know why must we move there. i dont really like my new maid. i dont like changes.
maybe im too pampered, thats y this road seems to be extremely bumpy for me. as what ah wei said, the only thing that doesn't change is changes. how true is that?
and damn it. i spent HALF of my palmer's pay on medical bills. really lor, like WTF. pls give me a healthy body.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Like wtf, I'm only doing my job, only asking her and offering her a better coverage for herself. what did i do to deserve her shoutings and accusation over the phone.
seriously, during times like this, i know its evil, but i secretly hope that the opposite party will be down with unfortunate illness or accidents, and then they will cry and come begging me on their knees, to ask me to get my boss to help them enhance their medishield so that they can claim 80% of their hospital bills, which by then will be too late, where no amount of begging of crying will help. SERVE THEM RIGHT.
but i know i shouldnt be that bad. maybe i should just hope that she will have saggy breast and smelly armpit for the rest of her life.
although im a female, but i cant help to feel ashamed that females make up 80% of the rude and unreasonable people that telemarketers face. Especially those 20 somethings, they think that they are better educated, holding good jobs and stuff, they got the terms to belittle and look down on telemarketers and insurance agents. seriously, i wonder what is wrong with females' attitude in this society. cant they just reject telemarketers politely, instead of shouting over thedamn innocent phone, polluting the phone with every smelly and disgusting breathe and saliva coming out of their useless mouth. damn it. SMELLY ARMPITS AND SAGGY BREAST TO THEM ALL!!!!!
totally spoil my day. actually wanted to turn down my date with bf. but he still insist that we should meet. felt so much better after all the rantings and grumblings and cursing, and of cos him pampering me with his undivided attention, care and love.
i think the education system should include subjects or modules for sarcastic bitches to reject people politely. telemarketers are only doing their job, just like how this bitches are doing their fucking job. they should try working a day as a telemarketer and see how it feels to be like one.
ahhhh!!!!!!!!!! #$#%#$&$*^%*^$W^&%($#%$#^%$^)*$^$WYHET&^$^T$Y%#&&$!!!
Friday, June 20, 2008
my parents, my sisters, my boyfriend, my friends.
perhaps, the nastiest people i've ever met are those rude customers. haha.
i dont know how much i've been grumbling to people around me that i want to eat char siew bao so much!
and during work today, weekdays gang came down for ice cream, and brought along 2 charsiewbaos for me!
they're so sweet lar. i swear that was the one of the nicest char siew bao i ever had!
thank you darlings. u guys satisfy my crazy crave for char siew bao. =)
for the past few weeks, there's something wrong with my SCV digital set up box. the image on the screen is distorted. The service man finally came with a new set up box for replacement.
and guess wad,
we can now view almost all channels that i had difficulty and trouble choosing what i want to watch! haha! i wonder when will this privilege end lor. i even managed to catch the last 20 min of the show that isnt out in the cinema yet --> "It's a boy girl thing"
after watching the last 20 min of the show, i think i wont want to catch it in the cinema cos it looks quite boring to me.
i wonder if i can slp early tonight with a wide variety of interesting channels. LOL
and oh ya, sasa, safe trip out there! its ur BIG trip, enjoy =)
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
i feels like my exams had just ended lar, and now i must prepare for the new semester.
have been meeting up most of my friends last week, and it feels great! holiday is all abt gatherings!
last thurs, ton over night at amanda house to have our girly night out with weekdays!
no photos, cos the only photos we took were those while we were doing our shiseido nose mask.
im sternly warned not to post them up. HEE
fri, was friday the 13th.
met up with princesses for dinner and movie.
caught "missing" and i think the show was sort of confusing and lame. only one or two parts were scary.
no photos, cos we didnt take any photos.
chua hui mei and wu jiayi, how could we forgot to take photos?
anyway, my dear jiayi, good luck for ur exam~~~~~~
sat, 14june, was my mum birthday.
during the motherhood fair the week before, i bought firming lotion, scar serum and stuffs for mummy as birthday present.
and when i gave it to her, she refused to use it!
i ask her why, and she says "cos its not my birthday yet"
so funny. haha
sunday was father's day, just celebrated over casual dinner over at liang kee.
and today! 13 june! monday!
mandy, shun wei and me finally got CARRIE-D away!
after so much delays, we finally got our ass down to cineleisure to watch sex and the city.
i dont know why mandy was crying while watching.
mandy set the theme as girly theme, and we are supposed to wear dresses, to be particular, those flowly kind of dresses.
but i got 3 sisters! yeah, they came to my rescue. love my sister <3
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while queuing for tickets. we got 2 free tickets, thanks to mandy's bf. =)
we looked like some awkard strangers. haha
before the movie
she's in love with me.
went hk cafe to chill after movie
and because its monday, im supposed to rush over to work at ice cream gallery.
i hate it when i have to leave for work everytime when i hv gatherings.
we were discussing abt some hot topic, and its really $%$#^$& to tell the girls "sry sweeties, i gotta leave for work."
but after i left, while walking towards somerset mrt station, i called nora to inform her i'll be late for work.
and the best thing that happend today:
nora called back and say "hey sam, tracy changed ur monday slot with u, remember? u dont have to come today"
i swear i could feel fireworks playing in ur heart at that v instant! and i flew back to HK cafe to join the girls =) <3,
after that, went to shop ard paragon and far east,
and we met shi jin!
and we ended our day just like that =)
shagged and tired.
my hse getting emptier day by day.
this time round,
the toshiba tv which have been serving us for the past 9 years, broke down.
goodbye toshiba. you've been a great tv. RIP.
forever in my memories.
and look how pathetic my NEW television is now......
can u even spot the new tv? haha
looks so pathetic lar.
meeting weekdays tml.
its town again.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
cant believed i actually cried while watching sex and the city episodes,
when carrie confessed to aidan that she's been sleeping with Big, just before charlotte's wedding
and aidan says he needs time alone, really alone.
sometimes, like carrie, i wonder if its really ok to be truthful.
the this episode ends off with carrie narrating
"its hard to find people who will love you no matter what, i was lucky enough to find three of them"
and im lucky enough too, to have all of them.
i hate diarrhea.
Saturday, June 07, 2008

saw the ugly black looking piece of thing on the floor?
so have u guessed correctly what is it?
if its me, i think i would have fleed immediately when the train stops at whatever station it stops. so damn paiseh! cant imagine if this happens to me, i hope and i pray not!
i'm now a sales promoter for PALMERS brand at motherhood fair over at expo. working with the other 2 of my lovelies, Mandy and Shun Wei! times passes so fast while working with them. We really know how to bitch our time away.
It's been a very long time eversince im required to stand for long hours. and now my back and spine hurts like some crazy dogs. (i dont know why i use crazy dogs to describe the soreness and pain, but just some random combinations of vocabulary and noun)
It's also the first time in my life i see so many pregnant mothers and kids at one place! so scary can! so many prams and balloons and irritating children! omg. but can really see how man pamper and love their wife at the same time. some funny and heartwarming and @##$#%^#%^# experience with different customers.
2 days ago was youngest sis birthday. went to LiangKee restaurant to have dinner. It's been a long time since we last visited the restaurant. think it was abt 1.5yrs ago. It's the only place where i will insist my rice to go with their black gravy (braised duck gravy). If u know me well, i actually dont like black gravy on my rice cos it simply looks dsgusting. but i love LiangKee's Black gravy.
more pictures with michelle, but she haven upload the pictures. so i gobbed for maggie's blog. =p
Happy birthday to u lar!
Eventhough u are really irritating at times,
but u are kind of nice to bully.
i appreciate how u will help me do errands and chores at home. ?
thank you for that!
and what's up with that "ai ni orh" heart shape action that u always show me?
u looked kinda retard. dunno whether to laugh at u or wad.
but aiyah, its kinda entertaining though.
even though, im not a good sis,
but then still.....
they are my sisters. life would be damn bored and dull without them.
i dont really talk to them, but still,
i love them all.
talk about the joy of having sisters. =)
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
所以现在开始收拾东西, 慢慢的一点一点把东西搬到外婆家。
处此以外, 有很多东西也必须要丢。
必须克服那些不舍的心情, 一个接一个地把东西丢经垃圾桶。 心很痛。
这道理不难懂,很简单,但为什么,人就算把自己弄得遍体鳞伤, 还是抓着不放?