i feels like my exams had just ended lar, and now i must prepare for the new semester.
have been meeting up most of my friends last week, and it feels great! holiday is all abt gatherings!
last thurs, ton over night at amanda house to have our girly night out with weekdays!
no photos, cos the only photos we took were those while we were doing our shiseido nose mask.
im sternly warned not to post them up. HEE
fri, was friday the 13th.
met up with princesses for dinner and movie.
caught "missing" and i think the show was sort of confusing and lame. only one or two parts were scary.
no photos, cos we didnt take any photos.
chua hui mei and wu jiayi, how could we forgot to take photos?
anyway, my dear jiayi, good luck for ur exam~~~~~~
sat, 14june, was my mum birthday.
during the motherhood fair the week before, i bought firming lotion, scar serum and stuffs for mummy as birthday present.
and when i gave it to her, she refused to use it!
i ask her why, and she says "cos its not my birthday yet"
so funny. haha
sunday was father's day, just celebrated over casual dinner over at liang kee.
and today! 13 june! monday!
mandy, shun wei and me finally got CARRIE-D away!
after so much delays, we finally got our ass down to cineleisure to watch sex and the city.
i dont know why mandy was crying while watching.
mandy set the theme as girly theme, and we are supposed to wear dresses, to be particular, those flowly kind of dresses.
but i got 3 sisters! yeah, they came to my rescue. love my sister <3
href="http://s10.photobucket.com/albums/a101/y2k_cinderalla/?action=view¤t=CIMG0252.jpg" target="_blank">
while queuing for tickets. we got 2 free tickets, thanks to mandy's bf. =)
we looked like some awkard strangers. haha
before the movie
she's in love with me.
went hk cafe to chill after movie
and because its monday, im supposed to rush over to work at ice cream gallery.
i hate it when i have to leave for work everytime when i hv gatherings.
we were discussing abt some hot topic, and its really $%$#^$& to tell the girls "sry sweeties, i gotta leave for work."
but after i left, while walking towards somerset mrt station, i called nora to inform her i'll be late for work.
and the best thing that happend today:
nora called back and say "hey sam, tracy changed ur monday slot with u, remember? u dont have to come today"
i swear i could feel fireworks playing in ur heart at that v instant! and i flew back to HK cafe to join the girls =) <3,
after that, went to shop ard paragon and far east,
and we met shi jin!
and we ended our day just like that =)
shagged and tired.
my hse getting emptier day by day.
this time round,
the toshiba tv which have been serving us for the past 9 years, broke down.
goodbye toshiba. you've been a great tv. RIP.
forever in my memories.
and look how pathetic my NEW television is now......
can u even spot the new tv? haha
looks so pathetic lar.
meeting weekdays tml.
its town again.
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