handed up our SM report today which is due next monday! its a big achievement for our grp, cos we manage to finish the whole report like within 2days? No body wanna go back to school specifically to hand up the report on monday, so we decided to finish it by today and hand in instead.
=) =) =) no more reports for me!!!! now, its time for me to really sit down and study! i like have 3 whole text book to read and memorise. (and i've yet to buy one =x)
anyway, since august, i've been celebrating friend's 21st birthday almost every weekend! super busy and broke!
August 20 -Chun hui's 21st.
dinner at a catonese restaurant at clark quay. its like wedding dinner kind of meal - 9 course meal! her treat! food taste good!!!!
p/s i have yet to receive pictures for chun hui's bday, girl, if u happen to have, send me!!!!
Aug 25 - Hui Mei's 21st.
jiayi and me went to her hse to give her a surprise at 12am!
that explain my super shagged look.
and her birthday dinner on 3oth august.
the princesses
group photo
28 August - Jin's 21st
went to kbox at cineleisure. Its been a looooonnnngggg time since mL sing together!
me and bday girl
07 Sep - celebration for jia yi's 21st!
dine at Earl Swensens, watch movie and talk cock. hahaha
huimei and jiayi at earl swensens
in the cinema
la kopi at coffee bean!
13 Sep (noon) - Huixian's 21st at York Hotel
me and birthday girl
me and huixian's sister
group photos
too bad huimei cannot make it to the celebration. =(
13 Sep (night) - Jing Wei's 21st at aloha loyang.
19 Sep - Mandy's 21st at SASA hostel and NTU HALL 6
we, the SIM girls trying to fetch a cab to NTU
me and bday girl
outside sasa room
formation of the word "MANDY <3"
getting ready to go for dinner!
on the way to dinner
sakae sushi for dinner! they provide cute stuffs for us!
the hungry people at sakae
completion of mandy's mission! to find the 21 hidden kitty marshmellows in the room.
her bday cake- subway sandwich
its us again
love you, mandy <3
these pictures are only abt 1/20 of the pictures we took. for a detailed entry on how we celebrate her bday, u can refer to mandy's blog or wenna's blog
you think thats all?
i've yet to post up my bday celebration. (some other days, tired already)
tomorrow will be xin's celebration at SMU, followed by sulwyn's and joanne's, jiamin's and amanda's and then clarissa's! (all going to celebrate within the next 1 and a half month!)
im like so broke!!!!!
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