for some papers, i have no hopes for distinction. i've tried to my best to memorise and understand the whole textbook within a short time frame. i tried my best to write out what i remembered. i've tried my best and a decent pass is all i hope for.
i rmber im still with 8 chapters undone when the exam is less than 12 hours away. can u imagine my fear?
but whatever it is, im glad its over. over for good. might be the very last exam im sitting for =)
im now browsing through recruitment website. guess the economic is gonna really affect my chance of getting employed. thus, i shall just settled down at whatever company that wants to accept me and hope for the best and wait for the economy gets better.
anyone knows of anyone who wanna hire markerters? help me keep a look out ok? =)
i attended tracy's daughter wedding at swissotel last sat.
its my first time attending this kinda function, as a friend, alone with some other colleagues, sharing table with strangers. one of the signs of adulthood.
i imagined myself in tracy's shoe.
seeing my daughter walk down the aisle with the man of her life,
the romantic love song being played,
everyone's clapping for my daughter
such a touching scene. cant help but feel very overwhelmed.
will my mum feel that way on my big day in the future?

oks, enough of all my emo thoughts.
hmm, as mentioned aboved,
i've been having insomnia right.
so when i cant sleep,
my mind starts thinking about alot of random things.
for example, i thought of the people whom i thought it was impossible for us to be friends at all. but then now, these thought-to-be-impossible friends are actually close friends of mine! fate is sometimes a very funny thing. play tricks on pple. haha.
so, im going to list down the 4 pple whom i really think that we are impossible to be friends.
1st one on the list: NG XIN HUI
we're from different class during sec 1 and 2.
i saw her b4, and i think she look kind of proud. lol.
but we got into same class during sec 3 and 4. and she is sitting infront of me!
so, me, being really foreign in that class, decided to pick up my courage to talk to the "proud" girl.
from then on, we seems to really hit on well, and we even went tuition tgth, shop tgth, work tgth. she is totally my BFF =)
really, i nv tot that we would be that close, judging on my impression i have for her during sec 1.
second on the list: WU JIAYI
this girl ar. same class with her for 3 straight years during poly.
totally DISLIKE her at first sight.
she is damn loud! and for god sick, dun understand why she keeps singing in class!
but i really dont know why we became so close in year 2.
till now, i couldnt believe myself too!
We can laugh together over crazy stuff, kbox with each other alone, shopping, heart to heart talk and stuff. dont even rmbr i disliked her. haha.
thanks to her, my life wasnt boring in poly. i cannot imagine how plain and uninteresting my life is in year 1 when i haven know her. haha. im glad that we still keep in touch, although not as frequent, but each time we meet up, i still feel comfortable ard her =)
the third on the list: TAN TIAN HUAT
although we are in the same class for one of the lamest module in poly (IDEA), i totally have no recollection of him being in the same class as me. LOL. guess i wasnt paying attention in class most of the time, or he blended into the surrounding so well that i couldnt even notice him.
i think its really fate that brought both of us together in the same class again in year 2. and thats when i start to notice him. being one of the good-looking guys in my class :) lol. shy.
i nv once thought things can happen between the both of us cos of 2 reasons.
1. he is TALL. i told myself im too short for a TALL guy.
2. i though he is a MALAY. sorry, not very interested in inter-racial r/s. LOL.
really shocked when i hear him speak chinese for the first time ok!
we started hanging out in groups, played pool together after lessons and stuff. and thats when i feel that he's really a gentleman (as compared to the guys from my clique. opps!). walking besides him gave me a sense of overpowering sense of security. haha.
alot of things happened in between. It was my low self esteem and low confidence that dragged the whole r/s. and im really glad that i gave both of us a chance. we came a long way. today is our 1002nd day. haha.
i guess we sort of belong to a different world, took lotsa compromises and understanding to make things work. i dont remember me having "honey-moon" period cos all i remembered was we already quarrelled during the 1st week of our r/s. i
to me, its still honey-moon period for us now.
leaving the quarrels aside (but which couple dont quarrel? ok, maybe jingwei and huixian. haha),
i think we're still very sweet.
we still call each other everyday, sms each other everyday (which some couples dun really do after some time)
he is someone who is not stingy with mushy stuff and praises, and i like that. =)
love you, my mr tan. <3
we're from different class throughout our poly life.
and doesnt leave a good impression on me too. haha.
she looks someone who is bitchy to be with.
but ultimately, we got to know each other at SIM.
her laughter are damn contagious. omg. and thanks to her, i got another name she calls --> lin man te!
really nice and sweet girl whom i can crap with. and i think she laughs at almost everything. and when i dun laugh at lecturer's joke (simply because i think its not funny), she will slap my arms! omg. dangerous to be with.
really glad i have her a my friend in SIM, because, SIM is really boring. you only go to school for lectures, thats all. (ok, and exams)
with her ard, she make it so fun! enjoy my train rides with her, enjoy hunting presents with her. enjoy camping at her hse during project peak period =)
and can u believe? we are going to hong kong together, with joanne!!! we 3 are going to have lotsalotsa fun down there!
alrights, somemore of the random photos before i end this post:
my sister without heels in the left picture and in my 3 inch heels in the right picture. damn effing tall. do i look like im 21 at all? (forever 18 =x)
me in slight curls again! miss my curls?
amanda's 21st birthday cake!
so pretty! im jealous.
my sisters ate my birthday cake b4 i even reach home to cut it. LOL
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