its so boring at work today.
and because i promised myself not to sign in MSN during work,
i decided to send out emails instead.
red: me
blue: huixian
Hi, im bored.
If u c this email, reply smth now.
I muz ctrl myself not to sign in msn!
hahah..muz be cant survive w/o msn hor..wah..u got ur own email acc..i dun haf..still using my hotmail acc to send things to my supervisors...u so free?
Yes! Im so free now. Everybody is so not free for me lor. My supervisor ask mi test my script with several colleagues but they not free. I feel so unwanted. U leh? Wad u doing now? Busy ar? role play sia..mi ah..slack also la..coz i do liao juz tat haven send my boss. Tml gotta bring wrapping papers, finalise e stuffs for thurs event lor..
Wrapping papers to wrap presents for the kids ar?
ya contest den got 3 winners. so i was told to buy wrapping papers n bring tml. oh ya..i let my supervisor sign liao. get a B. I wonder how he grade sia. actually he is overall in charge of ITP students but he wun be e one assigning work to us. But i anything can go find him.
Hahahah. Den y let his grade u? muz let the one who assign u the work to grade u ma…..u got A for conduct? Haha. Who is online on msn now?
he sae he sign let him sign lor. both B. He like happie happie , easily write B de. u? wenhao, qj, celine, yaohua, jasmine..sheh visited jasmine this morning but jasmins wasnt in at tat supervisor kenna teased again for e proposal thingy. he getting married in sep..
I didn’t see my sup de expression when he graded mi cos he was in his room. Y I not online den so many pple online leh? Hmph! So when is sheh going to visit and have long lunch with you? Ur sup de gf agreed to married him? So sweet!
oh..i was beside him when he grade..he was talking to mi when he grading lor..hahaha..dun be jealous la..dunno leh..i asked my supervisor whether sheh got contact him, he sae no. sae not so fast. den ok lor..dun bother to call sheh also..hehe..since he got go visit jasmine he shld be got visit mi de la. shld be agree liao. coz juz now i overheard they sae sep get married leh..
Ur boss good lor. Haha. Too bad u leaving in 5 weeks time, cannot tag alone to their wedding.another 55 more min to knock off!
end of conversation.
and im still so bored.
50 more min to knock off.
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