remember i mentioned abt the wedding i attended 2 weeks ago?
us and mummy
All of us
stop telling me my sis is pretty.
i'll get jealous!
im pretty also okay!
the people i see EVERYDAY.
and i mean EVERYDAY. from mon to sun!
jo and duck
cyn and me
stop telling me i got fat face. cos im still pretty!
cynthia is very sweet! she bought this for me and gave it to me in school when im sick~
oOOO.... im still happy to receive it even though she bought another bottle for WANWAN also! (not specially for me) hahaha. but, nvm, i still love cynthia, that crappy friend who always hit me on my arms. pain you know!
went for new zealand icecream at ECP with bf 2 weeks ago.
and we promised to be back for cycling.
and so, on good friday, we last minute decided to go ECP again to cycle.
thanks to the scorching sun. im burnt! and the funny part is, only my arms are burnt! so lucky my face is not burnt lar.
and im sick again.
the irritating running nose and sore throat.
its like forever there de leh!
super sian u know!