Friday, July 31, 2009

for the benefit of chun hui,

i'm still alive kicking, doing well, and trying hard to close alot of case everyday.

super busy and tired, but fulfilling.

i love meeting different kind of people everyday, and talk cock to them. sometimes really very funny when you make people confused about the real purpose of talking to them. i guess despite the tiredness and stress level, im enjoying my job. =)

Friday, July 10, 2009

when fairytales aren't as perfect as what I thought to be.......

I finally learnt that there's no such thing as fairytale-in-reality.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

by2 - 我知道

从来没想过 不能再和你牵手
委屈时候 没有你陪着我心痛

一切都是我 太过骄纵
以为你会懂 一直忘了说 我有多感动

虽然 分开的理由 我们都已接受

所以 即使到最后 还微笑着 要我加油

我知道你还放不下我 才会
在离开时 闭着眼没有回头

其实 这份爱没停过

曾经完整幸福的梦 在脑海里头
我多希望你 还在我左右

答应你 我会好好过
不让 这些眼泪白流

Saturday, July 04, 2009

my goals are set

all i need now is to focus, focus and focus.

so grateful to my colleagues and manager who is always there to help me realise my potential.

Dream big, and never give up.

i can do it :)