Tuesday, August 21, 2007
who can truly understand why i cry?
Thursday, August 16, 2007
anyway, brought daddy to fish and co and velocity.
It was his 1st time there, and im so afraid that he will tell the service crew over there that he wants to eat chicken chop. haha.
ordered seafood platter and their fish and chips.
im glad daddy likes the food there.
he says we can come here to celebrate grandpa's birthday this 28 Aug!
cool~ my grandparents will be having their first time at Fish and Co soon.

Eventhough we enjoyed the whole dinning experience, but there was something missing.
couldn't describe wad was missing,
but to put in simpler terms,
it would be perfect if mummy was there, to dine with us.
you know everyday, i couldnt help but envy,
envy those who got home cooked food to eat everyday.
cos now, all i eat was food from outside, or if not, hospital's food.
i missed my mum's dishes.
how did you spent your national day?
squeezing with people at cityhall to watch fireworks? haha~
caught rush hour 3 with bf on that day at vivo city!
watched in vivo max! big cinema with big leg space.
funny show, definitely worth watching!
i wonder when is jackie gonna stop acting.
he is not young anymore, yet still doing all those dangerous stunts.

went clarke quay with bf on sat, and we shopped at central.
there's quite a number of shops there to shop, and alot alot alot of restaurants there.
maybe we can go there for gatherings next time!
sure can find one place to sit and eat and chat.

sun, went to watch Rush hour 3 AGAIN.
cos daddy wanted to watch it, so i offered to accompany him.
even though i watched it the 2nd time, im still laughing over the same scene.
go watch go watch.
i wanna watch secret and disturbia too!
that sunday was a super suay sunday for me.
went to balestia cinema to watch the movie.
we bought popcorn, nachos and drinks.
the the counter staff didnt bother to close the lid of the drinks tightly,
so when i hold it, it spilled onto my white shirt that i was wearing.
damn it!
nvm, i ren! i go to the toilet, wash it with water, and blow dry it with the hands dryer.
but it was completely dried. it was still damped. so when im in the cinema, i was like sshivering whole way through!
at night, during dinner, my clumsy sis spilled her smelly miso soup onto my pants and sandals!
this time round, i was really mad!
and i guess i hurled some harsh words at her.
sorry, but i couldnt help it.

the above pictures were taken when im in mrt.
the legs in the pictures belonged to some secondary school boys!
noticed something?
they were all wearing ankle socks.
to think that during my time, we use to wear our socks quite high.
my advice to them?
maybe...."please pull up your socks"
in case you guys dunno, this is my new pants =)
haven been wearing pants for like so long already!
my classmates were like so shocked to see me wearing pants to school that day. haha.
but now i understand why people who wear pants will take longer time in the toilet.
damn troublesome!
this is such a busy week. i haven been visiting my mummy at the hospital since monday.
haven like project meetings every day, before and after school.
have to work.
have to rush through report.
me and ducky, in midst of project discussion. haha. i know im ugly!
all projects' fault!
and there's this mid-term test up-coming next tuesday.
great. so great.
i really should start studying soon.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
although i wont earn as much as giving tuition,
but at least i dun need to travel much also.

nothing much changed, and im still the friendly ice cream girl at eastwood!

Munchy donut opened an outlet outside my house inside cold storage!
although theres like practically no queue each time i buy, but their donuts are always sold-out.
i personally think it taste better than donut factory.
im v happy cos i dun need to queue retarded-ly just to eat nice donuts.
caught the movie "alone" with huat.
injured myself while watching the movie, so you can imagine how scary it is.
i think the story line not bad leh, worth watching.
see le, got lotsa 'feel'
i love watching scary movies with my boyfriend!
i seriously think i need to better manage my time.
i dun seem to have enough time to finish my task.
im feeling stress as date lines are drawing nearer.
somehow, i think i lost myself among the unaccomplished work.