Monday, January 10, 2005

1)wad would u do if u know a very big and mysterious secret and u really feel like sharing it with someone else?

2)wad would u do if u are a police officer and one fine day u have to arrest one of ur family member urself?

3)wad would you do when u tell the biggest lie on earth to someone who meant so much to u?

4)wad would you do if u know u only have 3 hrs left on earth?

wad would u do?


1) tape my mouth. kill myself. eat lots of heaty food to loose my voice. muahahah.

2) attempt suicides. arrest myself cos i failed to die while attempting suicide cos its a crime to attempt suicide. den i no nid arrest my family members. if not arrest them...but realease them secretly on the way to jail. wahahaha

3) confess. if he/she dun wanna forgive mi, i'll kill myself. hahaha.

4) keep adjusting the clock to 3 hrs frm current time. burn all books in my house. write last note for my loved ones. sleep.

going for my effective speaking module in 10 mins time. byebye

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